Friday, April 27, 2012

Final Advert

This is my final ad. I let the music play a bit before i started to speak. I didnt have the volume too loud as i didnt want the music louder than the voice. The tone of my voice sounds much more relaxed and you cant tell its being read from a script. I also let the music continue a bit at the end

Radio advert - Recordings

This is my 1st recording of my ad. I thought it went well for the first attempt however the tone of my viouce didnt sound very good. It wouldnt make me want to buy it.

I think the tone of my vooice is alot better in this one, it sounds more natural however i dont like the 'get out' bit it sounds aggressive so i think im going to change the script a bit.

This one isn't the way i wanted the tone isn't good and you can tell its being read from a script. However the change in the script sounds so much better at the end compared to the previous ones.


I am just having one person in this ad.

Have you experienced this month’s Manx experience?
The elegant sophisticated magazine for you.
It’s got lots of exciting stuff including a giveaway from Manx Telecom, news on a mystery store opening and lots more all for just £2.50.
Get out and experience yours now!

I had to change the end bit too

experience yours now

I changed it because the get out didnt sound good

I used a rhetorical question and the begging to get the listeners involved. I wanted to play on the word experience that's why i used it so much, i think it works well. Also i didn't want to include to much information about whats in the magazine so i just give a taster of 2 things. I included the price because everyone likes to know the price if they are interested in buying something.

Radio Advertisement Research

This is the subway ad on the radio. I like how it is just one person speaking. I like the tone of the voice and the way they say about the steering wheel being a pretstle, because obviously people will be listening to this whilst they drive. I think it includes just the right amount of information which is about the snacks you get from subway. It included some examples and prices.

This is a ad for the iPhone 4. They use Stephen Hawkings as the voice to advertise this. I think they choose him because he is meant to be 'the cleverest man on the planet' so therefor he knows his gadgets and if he thinks the iPhone 4 is good it must be. So people would go and buy one if they know Stepehen Hawkings has one. Also i think the information is good because it is saying what is new and what is different from the 3GS.

This ad is for a toy store. I like how it has two parts to it, first is about the toys and the offers then the second part is about the baby furniture etc. Its god how they say of the offers on right now and how much they are such as ' new PlayStation 3 plus 2 games only 319.99 offer includes new fifa 10 and a game of your choice' I think this is a good offer to advertise. However that seems to be focusing at boys more. They should have included an offer fr girls as well. The second part is good because it is advertising a baby sale. Saying to visit now and it says buggy's, car seats and more. That's good for getting people down to the store to find out what is in the sale.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Final Billboard

This is my final billboard. I have lightened the colour of the background so its not as overpowering. I also adjusted the position of the 'Manx Experience' which i think looks a lot better. The 'Expericence' was a bit squashed before so i just widened it a tad. I think this would catch attention with the big image of the front cover and also the silver and red go well together. I saw from the beginning that it is more practical to have a larger image of the 'product' like other adverts on billboards they have a good size image of the product that they are actually selling rather than just most of it being text. I think i have a little too much text, however i haven't seen a advert for a magazine so I'm not sure the amount of the text they had. But i think that all the text is relevant information.

Billboard Drafts

I couldnt find any examples of billboards for magazine. So i just looked at the others and addapted mine.

This is the rough draft of where i wanted to position things.  I am including a little image of the actually magazine front cover

This is the first one i put together. I choose to use the name of the magazine to sell the magazine. This one is just a play about, the text isn't in the middle and looking at it; it doesn't look like a good billboard. I could maybe consider making the image bigger so people could see what they are buying because the front cover has to catch peoples eyes just like it would in a shop. Also i changed the colour of the word Christmas to green to make it more christmasee, however i don't really think it looks good, since  i am going for an elegant look. I tired to create a good background by having the black and white rather than just a plain white background, however i don't think it looks that nice, but ill have a play around with the other bits first then see what the background looks like.

I have now made the image bigger, i think that looks a lot better. Also doesn't leave as much white space which isn't good. I have also got rid of the green but it still seems like there is something missing. It is very plain and white. Defiantly have to change the background colour.

I then changed the background colour. I keep going back to green thinking it will work, but it really doesn't. I wouldn't read that if i saw it on a billboard. I also changed some of the text to black. But everything looks really random, it doesn't blend well together.

I have now went for a more modern look. However it seems to be too dark. I do like the colour of the background but it just overpowers the text. Also i don't like how 'Manx Experience' is positioned. I think i just have a few more adjustments to make. I am going to make the back ground more lighter.

Billboard Research

This billboard is advertising a concert by Madonna. I think it includes everything an advertisement should. It has where and when also the website where you can get tickets. Its also good how they have a big picture of Madonna herself. I think the colours are bright so this ad would catch peoples eye.

This billboard is advertising a game. It doesn't have too much on it which is always good. No one wants a jam packed billboard whilst driving past because then it becomes difficult to read. I think this is good, it has the name of the game, a little slogan then also underneath, when its realised and which game consoles its available on.

To look at this one it is obvious that it is around the christmas period. Coco-Cola dont have to much on there adverts. Santa and the big red truck are things that we do occiate with coke around christmas time. We also see the advert come on tele in the beginning of decemeber so the advert works well.

This advert is advertising Calvin Klein. It seems that this is a clever one, because women will obviously be attracted to this considering there is a half naked man. However also men will be interested in this, possibly because of the underwear or for the fact they want to look like this model. Again this advert doesn't have to say much it basically sells itself.